Explore the features to help you start and grow your resale or rental business
Create orders manually or via API with support for payment and confirmation links. All while allowing your customers to book and purchase via your website.
All your orders visible in one place. Create, prepare and manage orders effortlessly, while making use of fully customizable emails and document templates.
Create a catalog with full support for bundles and product variants. Build collections to structure your catalog, while defining product-specifc terms, buffer times and other availability settings.
All the above while being able to define inventory connections as a dynamic rules - tapping into the power of your Single-SKU Inventory where every item is uniquely tracked.
At any given moment you know the value and state of every item in your inventory - now and in the future. Availability calculations run automatically, while you have a continuous audit record into usage and sales performance.
We offer out-of-the-box online store, that you can enhance further with our native integration with Wix.com. You can also accept order via 3rd-party websites using our API connection. For high-volume walk-in we offer a check-in tablet solution.
All without risk of double-bookings or inventory conflicts.
Every customer is tracked over their lifetime to allow you to spot and tag the loyal customers. All business development efforts starts from knowing who your customers are - we make it easy for you.
Explore TWICE with a free trial. No credit card required.