Orders docs

Orders view

Orders view gathers all of your orders in one place

Written by
Karri Hiekkanen
Published on
Dec 20, 2024
Updated on
Mar 4, 2025

The orders view in TWICE Commerce is organized into distinct categories to help you manage various types of orders efficiently. These categories cover bookings, subscriptions, and sales orders. With features tailored to your unique requirements, each view is designed to provide detailed information and enable powerful search and filter functionalities to streamline your operations.

Bookings and subscriptions

The orders related to bookings (rentals / hires) and subscriptions are divided into three subcategories: upcoming, active, and completed.

The upcoming orders view displays orders that are scheduled but have not yet been started. Orders are shown as cards, optimized for both touch screens and traditional mouse interfaces, with concise details such as preparation status, payment status, and whether the order is on time or late. This layout ensures that all necessary information is readily visible at a glance.

Filters available in the upcoming view include status (unprepared, prepared, or pending), start date, associated products, and delivery type. The search functionality allows you to locate specific orders quickly by entering details such as the customer name or product code.

If you have expired orders (have not started as scheduled), you can display or hide them by ticking the box.

The active orders view contains orders that are currently in progress. These are ongoing rentals or subscriptions that you have started and not yet marked as returned. Similar to the upcoming view, orders in the active section are displayed as cards, making it easy for you to track and manage multiple orders simultaneously.

The active view includes filters for payment status (paid, unpaid, or all), product details, order type (rental or subscription), return method (pickup or return to store), and return date. You can use the search bar to pinpoint active orders based on customer name or product code only, improving the efficiency of real-time order management.

The completed view lists all orders that have been finalized, including those that have been completed or canceled. Unlike the upcoming and active views, the completed section uses a table layout, which supports customizable columns to display the most relevant data for your needs.

Filters available in this view include the end date, while the table offers advanced filtering for each column with multiple operators and support for combining multiple filters, enabling you to refine your focus on specific orders. The search functionality helps you locate specific orders using details such as the customer name or product code.


Sales orders are managed in a dedicated section that is only visible if sales orders exist. This section uses a table layout designed for advanced data management.

You can customize the table to show or hide specific columns, ensuring that the displayed information aligns with your operational needs. Filters for sales orders include creation date, and this table has the same advanced filters available as the completed table.

The search functionality allows you to locate specific sales orders by entering details such as the customer name or product code. The table layout is also equipped with export capabilities, allowing filtered sales data to be downloaded for external analysis or reporting.

Managing individual orders

You can manage individual orders from any of the views—upcoming, active, completed, or sales orders—by simply clicking on the desired order.

For detailed instructions, see Managing an order.

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