Inventory docs

Keeping track of your inventory levels in real-time

Real-time inventory tracking is essential for businesses that sell their products and services through multiple channels. This guide will help you set up and utilize TWICE Commerce's inventory management features effectively.

Written by
Akseli Lehtonen
Published on
Mar 3, 2025
Updated on
Mar 3, 2025

Understanding Real-Time Tracking in TWICE Commerce

TWICE Commerce's inventory management system is designed explicitly for recommerce operations, offering:

  • Individual article tracking (beyond traditional SKU-level tracking
  • Synchronized inventory across all sales channels
  • Real-time stock levels including the impact of future bookings
  • Complete event and usage history of every item

Setting Up Real-Time Tracking

1. Prepare Your Inventory Structure

First, create a consistent plan for organizing your inventory with:

  • SKUs
  • Individual articles
  • Proper categorization and tagging system

2. Connect Products to Inventory

  1. Go to the Catalog, and select the product you want to connect to inventory
  2. Open the Availability tab
  3. Click "Connect to Inventory"
  4. Choose the appropriate SKU from the dropdown
By connecting products in your catalog to inventory, you enable real-time availability tracking and prevent stockouts.

3. Monitor Real-Time Availability

Access real-time inventory information through:

  • Create order view: This view gives you an overview of the quantities at a glance for any given date.
  • Inventory management section: This section details the article's states and statuses more granularly.

Example use cases:

  • Check immediate availability: Utilize the Create Order view to quickly check your current product availability at a glance. Choose the Book Now option, and TWICE will display availabilities for the selected Order Duration starting now.
  • View future bookings: Utilize the Create Order view to quickly check your current product availability at a glance. Choose the Reserve option, and TWICE will display availabilities for the selected Order Duration based on your defined dates.
  • Monitor items in maintenance or repair: Utilize the Inventory section. Under the Articles tab, check the Status tab to find all the "Out of Use" assets for any given reason.

Best Practices

  1. Regularly audit physical inventory against system records
  2. Update item conditions and maintenance status promptly
  3. Monitor usage patterns for better inventory planning

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